
The power of the women is a very prominent subject that has been brought back into the spotlight with the recent marches and rallies occurring all over the country. In my concentration I worked to convey my own version of the biblical Adam and Eve story. In my version Eve is in control and tames the snake, who works and flows with her movements. Eve and the snake create something more beautiful than when they were separate. Together they are the embodiment of both power and love. To show this important message I decided to keep my model mostly bare to contrast her soft skin to the rough scales of the snake. I kept my lighting dim for the sultry feel to express that she is free to be a sexual being. Using a prism during the shoot I reflected the light to create soft rainbows and i edited in reflections to express that there is no specific time that these were taken to give them a dreamy feel since they represent the story and magic.. In photo number 12, the reflection and the rainbow are very soft and contrast the dark starkness of the snake, in this photo the girl and the snake are in a state of bliss and are a representation of the love and beauty from the story. In photo number 11, the girl and the snake instead represent strength. There is no rainbow in this photo and the reflection is less of a mirror and instead just another layer of the girls skin. Every photo represents how they are stronger and more beautiful as one.